
Search results

Your search returned 402 results.

Oxycodone decreases anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus-maze test in male and female rats

Adriaan W. Bruijnzeel, Azin Behnood-Rod, Wendi Malphurs, et al.

Selected by 07 February 2022

Nándor Lipták

Animal Behavior and Cognition

cGAS recruitment to micronuclei is dictated by pre-existing nuclear chromatin status

Kate M. MacDonald, Shirony Nicholson-Puthenveedu, Maha M. Tageldein, et al.

Selected by 01 February 2022

Roberto Amadio

Cell Biology

Isolation disrupts social interactions and destabilizes brain development in bumblebees

Z Yan Wang, Grace C. McKenzie-Smith, Weijie Liu, et al.

Selected by 13 January 2022

Niveda Udaykumar

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Using polyacrylamide hydrogels to model physiological aortic stiffness reveals that microtubules are critical regulators of isolated smooth muscle cell morphology and contractility

Sultan Ahmed, Robert. T. Johnson, Reesha Solanki, et al.

Selected by 29 December 2021

Laura Alonso-Herranz

Cell Biology

Human serum triggers antibiotic tolerance in Staphylococcus aureus

Elizabeth V. K. Ledger, Stéphane Mesnage, Andrew M. Edwards

Selected by 19 November 2021

Snehal Kadam


Long-range migration of centrioles to the apical surface of the olfactory epithelium

Kaitlin Ching, Jennifer T. Wang, Tim Stearns

Selected by 03 November 2021

Mafalda Pimentel

Cell Biology

CHD8 regulates gut epithelial cell function and affects autism-related behaviours through the gut-brain axis

Ipsita Chatterjee, Dimitry Getselter, Nasreen Ghaneem, et al.

Selected by 03 November 2021

Nándor Lipták

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Saturation variant interpretation using CRISPR prime editing

Steven Erwood, Teija M.I. Bily, Jason Lequyer, et al.

Selected by 20 October 2021

Jeffrey Calhoun


Immunometabolic hijacking of immune cells by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing signal

Arunava Bandyopadhaya, Vijay K Singh, Arijit Chakraborty, et al.

Selected by 14 October 2021

Joao Mello-Vieira


Hedgehog signaling can enhance glycolytic ATP production in the Drosophila wing disc

Ioannis Nellas, K. Venkatesan Iyer, Juan M. Iglesias-Artola, et al.

Selected by 08 October 2021

Julia Grzymkowski

Developmental Biology

Neuron-Glia Signaling Regulates the Onset of the Antidepressant Response

Vicky Yao, Ammar Aly, Salina Kalik, et al.

Selected by 28 September 2021

Ranabir Chakraborty


Microtubule-based perception of mechanical conflicts controls plant organ morphogenesis

Dorothee Stöckle, Blanca Jazmin Reyes-Hernández, Amaya Vilches Barro, et al.

Selected by 23 September 2021

Marc Somssich

Plant Biology