
Search results

Your search returned 1477 results.

Blue appendages and temperature acclimation increase survival during acute heat stress in the upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea xamachana

Megan E. Maloney, Katherine M. Buckley, Marie E. Strader

Selected by Maitri Manjunath

Fetal brain response to maternal inflammation requires microglia

Bridget Elaine LaMonica Ostrem, Nuria Dominguez Iturza, Jeffrey Stogsdill, et al.

Selected by Manuel Lessi

Alteration of long and short-term hematopoietic stem cell ratio causes myeloid-biased hematopoiesis

Katsuyuki Nishi, Taro Sakamaki, Akiomi Nagasaka, et al.

Selected by Manuel Vicente, Anaisa Ferreira

How the liver contributes to stomach warming in the endothermic white shark Carcharodon carcharias

David C. Bernvi, Geremy Cliff

Selected by Sarah Young-Veenstra

Expressive modeling and fast simulation for dynamic compartments

Till Köster, Philipp Henning, Tom Warnke, et al.

Selected by Benjamin Dominik Maier

Temporal constraints on enhancer usage shape the regulation of limb gene transcription

Raquel Rouco, antonella Rauseo, Guillaume Sapin, et al.

Selected by María Mariner-Faulí

OGT prevents DNA demethylation and suppresses the expression of transposable elements in heterochromatin by restraining TET activity genome-wide

Hugo Sepulveda, Xiang Li, Xiaojing Yue, et al.

Selected by Mansi

Transcriptional profiling of human brain cortex identifies novel lncRNA-mediated networks dysregulated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Alessandro Palma, Monica Ballarino

Selected by Julio Molina Pineda

Clusters of lineage-specific genes are anchored by ZNF274 in repressive perinucleolar compartments

Martina Begnis, Julien Duc, Sandra Offner, et al.

Selected by Silvia Carvalho

Structural basis of respiratory complexes adaptation to cold temperatures

Young-Cheul Shin, Pedro Latorre-Muro, Amina Djurabekova, et al.

Selected by Pamela Ornelas

RIPK3 coordinates RHIM domain-dependent inflammatory transcription in neurons

Sigal B. Kofman, Lan H. Chu, Joshua M. Ames, et al.

Selected by Zoie Magri

Synergistic olfactory processing for social plasticity in desert locusts

Inga Petelski, Yannick Günzel, Sercan Sayin, et al.

Selected by T. W. Schwanitz, Lukas Weiss
