
Search results

Your search returned 3 results.

Embryo mechanics cartography: inference of 3D force atlases from fluorescence microscopy

Sacha Ichbiah, Fabrice Delbary, Alex McDougall, et al.

Selected by 04 May 2023

Girish Kale

Developmental Biology

Genome-wide molecular recording using Live-seq

Wanze Chen, Orane Guillaume-Gentil, Riccardo Dainese, et al.

Selected by 26 April 2021

Irepan Salvador-Martinez et al.

Molecular Biology

Generative modeling of single-cell population time series for inferring cell differentiation landscapes

Grace H.T. Yeo, Sachit D. Saksena, David K. Gifford

Selected by 06 November 2020

Yen-Chung Chen
