
Filtered by immunology category

Integrated Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals Novel Activation-Induced Metabolic Networks in Human T cells

S. Hiemer, S. Jatav, J. Jussif, et al.

Selected by 21 June 2019

Jonny Coates


Cytoskeletal tension actively sustains the migratory T cell synaptic contact

Sudha Kumari, Michael Mak, Yehchuin Poh, et al.

Selected by 11 June 2019

Tim Fessenden


Human DNA-PK activates a STING-independent DNA sensing pathway

Katelyn Burleigh, Joanna H. Maltbaek, Stephanie Cambier, et al.

Selected by 19 April 2019

Connor Rosen


Evolution-guided design of super-restrictor antiviral proteins reveals a breadth-versus-specificity tradeoff

Rossana S Colon-Thillet, Emily S Hsieh, Laura Graf, et al.

Selected by 13 March 2019

Connor Rosen


SLC19A1 is a cyclic dinucleotide transporter

Rutger Luteijn, Shivam Zaver, Benjamin G Gowen, et al.


SLC19A1 is an importer of the immunotransmitter cGAMP

Anthony F. Cordova, Christopher Ritchie, Gaelen T. Hess, et al.


2'3'-cGAMP is an immunotransmitter produced by cancer cells and regulated by ENPP1

Jacqueline A Carozza, Volker Boehnert, Kelsey E Shaw, et al.

Selected by 13 February 2019

Connor Rosen


Single molecule localization microscopy with autonomous feedback loops for ultrahigh precision

Simao Coelho, Jongho Baek, Matthew S Graus, et al.

Selected by 14 January 2019

Lars Hubatsch
