Metabolism of fatty acids and ketone bodies for glioblastoma growth: Implications for Ketogenic Diet Therapy
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19 August 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles
Cholesterol and matrisome pathways dysregulated in human APOE ε4 glia
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12 August 2019
Theresa Pohlkamp
Generalized displacement of DNA- and RNA-binding factors mediates the toxicity of arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides
Selected by
30 July 2019
Emily Graves
Elucidating the molecular determinants of Aβ aggregation with deep mutational scanning
Selected by
18 July 2019
Suzanne McDermott
Molecular and cellular determinants of motor asymmetry in zebrafish
Selected by
17 July 2019
Amrutha Swaminathan
Regional heterogeneity of early GABAergic interneuron excitation in vivo
Selected by
17 July 2019
Craig Bertram