
Filtered by physiology category

H2O2 sulfenylates CHE linking local infection to establishment of systemic acquired resistance

Lijun Cao, Heejin Yoo, Tianyuan Chen, et al.

Selected by 23 August 2023

Marc Somssich

Plant Biology

Mitochondrial citrate carrier SLC25A1 is a dosage-dependent regulator of metabolic reprogramming and morphogenesis in the developing heart

Chiemela Ohanele, Jessica N. Peoples, Anja Karlstaedt, et al.

Selected by 12 July 2023

Chee Kiang Ewe, Preethi Krishnaraj

Developmental Biology

Regeneration leads to global tissue rejuvenation in aging sexual planarians

Xiaoting Dai, Xinghua Li, Scott Pletcher, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2023

Sophia Friesen

Developmental Biology

Planarians employ diverse and dynamic stem cell microenvironments to support whole-body regeneration

Blair W. Benham-Pyle, Frederick G. Mann Jr., Carolyn E. Brewster, et al.

Selected by 20 June 2023

preLights peer support, Girish Kale

Cell Biology

Interspecies blastocyst complementation generates functional rat cell-derived forebrain tissues in mice

Jia Huang, Bingbing He, Xiali Yang, et al.

Selected by 21 May 2023

Martin Estermann


marmite defines a novel conserved neuropeptide family mediating nutritional homeostasis

AP Francisco, I Tastekin, AB Fernandes, et al.

Selected by 22 March 2023

Pablo Ranea Robles, Cláudia Gil
