

preLights’ 5th Birthday webinar recording is now available!

15 March 2023

preLights is celebrating its 5th birthday. To mark the occasion, this webinar features four short talks given by preLights alumni who have all made significant contributions to preLights, and have since taken a range of career paths. In their talks, they tell us how they have managed to identify and navigate the challenges, opportunities, and[…]

Survey about online seminars/conferences – we want to hear from you!

23 June 2020

The ongoing pandemic has resulted in many scientific conferences moving to an online format, and researchers who can no longer attend seminars at their institutes have been organising and attending various virtual seminar series (e.g. on The Node there are currently over 40 online events listed in developmental biology and beyond). Several considerations about virtual[…]

bioRxiv preprint on the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic

27 May 2020

In a collaboration with Nicholas Fraser, Liam Brierley and Jessica Polka, preLighters Jonny Coates (corresponding author), Gautam Dey and preLights Community Manager Máté Pálfy have posted a preprint on bioRxiv that analyses various attributes of COVID-19 preprints including their publishing and peer review, and also looks at how they were used by the scientific community and the[…]

Capturing the value added to a paper during peer review

26 September 2019

Preprints accelerate science by making research accessible prior to journal publication, but peer-review often substantially improves papers. While for a long time the review history of a paper was not visible to anyone apart from the authors and reviewers/editors, recently, increasing numbers of journals have started publishing this information alongside the paper (including The Company[…]

Survey on the credibility of preprints by COS

2 April 2019

The Center for Open Science is seeking graduate students, post docs, researchers and academic faculty to participate in survey to investigate the factors that affect the perceived credibility and use of preprints. Participation in this study involves: ● A time commitment of up to 20 minutes. ● Survey involving your qualitative, subjective evaluation of factors[…]

Preprints promote transparency and communication

13 August 2018

preLighters Carmen Adriaens, Gautam Dey, Amanda Haage, Wouter Masselink, Sundar Ram Naganathan, Lauren Neves, Teresa Rayon, Samantha Seah, Srivats Venkataramanan wrote a commentary in response to a news article in Nature, which was published on the Node.   ‘How can we have preprints and support good journalism?’ Tom Sheldon, a senior press manager at the[…]
