
Abagael Lasseigne

University of Oregon

I obtained my Bachelor’s of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Vermont in 2016. I am currently a third-year graduate student in the lab of Adam Miller at the University of Oregon studying the molecular mechanisms underlying electrical synapse development. Specifically, I am currently using biochemical, genetic, and cell biological methods to explore the roles of a PDZ-containing scaffolding protein required for electrical synapse formation in zebrafish.

Abagael Lasseigne has added 3 preLight posts

Phase separation of zonula occludens proteins drives formation of tight junctions

Oliver Beutel, Riccardo Maraspini, Karina Pombo-Garcia, et al.

Selected by 10 June 2019

Abagael Lasseigne

Cell Biology

The Hunchback temporal transcription factor determines motor neuron axon and dendrite targeting in Drosophila

Austin Q Seroka, Chris Q Doe

Selected by 09 April 2019

Abagael Lasseigne

Developmental Biology

S-acylated Golga7b stabilises DHHC5 at the plasma membrane to regulate desmosome assembly and cell adhesion.

Keith T Woodley, Mark O Collins

Selected by 28 January 2019

Abagael Lasseigne


Abagael Lasseigne has commented 1 time

6 years

Abagael Lasseigne

Thank you for this recommendation! I will definitely take a look at this paper!

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