
Andreas van Impel

Institute for Cardiovascular Organogenesis and Regeneration, University of Münster

During my PhD with Arno Müller (University of Düsseldorf, Germany / University of Dundee, UK) I worked on cell migration and cell shape changes during Drosophila gastrulation. In particular, I focused on the role of a multi-functional guanine nucleotide exchange factor which is an essential regulator of small GTPases during cytokinesis and the fibroblast growth factor-triggered mesoderm migration in the Drosophila gastrula.

In the past few years as a postdoc in the lab of Stefan Schulte-Merker (initially Hubrecht Institute Utrecht, Netherlands and currently University of Münster, Germany) I continued to work on cell motility, cell-cell communication and the underlying developmental programs that orchestrate organogenesis but this time with a special focus on the formation and maturation of the blood and lymphatic vascular system. To visualize these processes in vivo, I am employing the zebrafish model which enables me to combine the power of in vivo imaging with the constantly growing genetic toolkit that allows the identification and characterization of new players controlling the behavior of different endothelial subpopulations during zebrafish development.

Besides my strong interest in vascular biology I am also interested in newly emerging techniques like the CRISPR/Cas9 system and its derivatives that in the past years completely revolutionized the approaches and possibilities not only in zebrafish research.

Andreas van Impel has added 8 preLight posts


The phosphodiesterase 2A regulates lymphatic endothelial development via cGMP-mediated control of Notch signaling

Claudia Carlantoni, Leon Liekfeld, Sandra A. Hemkemeyer, et al.

Selected by 20 February 2023

Andreas van Impel, Sanjay Sunil Kumar

Developmental Biology

Receptor-specific interactome as a hub for rapid cue-induced selective translation in axons

Max Koppers, Roberta Cagnetta, Toshiaki Shigeoka, et al.

Selected by 12 July 2019

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

A metabolic switch from OXPHOS to glycolysis is essential for cardiomyocyte proliferation in the regenerating heart

Hessel Honkoop, Dennis de Bakker, Alla Aharonov, et al.

Selected by 30 January 2019

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

Arterio-Venous Remodeling in the Zebrafish Trunk Is Controlled by Genetic Programming and Flow-Mediated Fine-Tuning

Ilse Geudens, Baptiste Coxam, Silvanus Alt, et al.

Selected by 24 September 2018

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

mRNA localisation in endothelial cells regulates blood vessel sprouting

Guilherme Costa, Nawseen Tarannum, Shane Herbert

Selected by 29 August 2018

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

Genetic compensation is triggered by mutant mRNA degradation

Mohamed El-Brolosy, Andrea Rossi, Zacharias Kontarakis, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2018

Andreas van Impel


Wnt/β-catenin regulates an ancient signaling network during zebrafish scale development

Andrew J Aman, Alexis N Fulbright, David M Parichy

Selected by 26 April 2018

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

Mutations in Bcl9 and Pygo genes cause congenital heart defects by tissue-specific perturbation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling

Claudio Cantù, Anastasia Felker, Dario Zimmerli, et al.

Selected by 07 February 2018

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

Andreas van Impel has collaborated with:

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