From ridge tops to ravines: landscape drivers of chimpanzee ranging patterns
Chimpanzees use advanced spatial cognition to plan least-cost routes
Selected by
09 November 2019
Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah

More than a flying syringe: Using functional traits in vector borne disease research
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13 April 2019
Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah

The ecological drivers of variation in global language diversity
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09 November 2018
Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah

Neural crest cells regulate optic cup morphogenesis by promoting extracellular matrix assembly
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30 August 2018
Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah

An intrinsic cell cycle timer terminates limb bud outgrowth
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14 July 2018
Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah