
Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

We are Sophie Morgani (Twitter: @Morgani_S, ORCID iD: and Claire Simon(Twitter:@ClaireSamSimon, ORCID iD: , two postdocs currently working in Kat Hadjantonakis’ lab at the Sloan Kettering Institute, New York, USA. We are developmental and stem cell biologists. Sophie obtained her PhD in Josh Brickman’s lab, DanStem in Copenhagen, Denmark and Claire obtained her PhD in Liz Robertson’s lab, University of Oxford, UK.


Our research is focused on understanding the factors regulating cell fate decisions during early mouse development. We are particularly interested in pre-implantation development and gastrulation with an emphasis on visualizing these events using fluorescent reporters and live imaging. We are likely to post about both in vitro and in vivo studies that give novel insights into the transcription factors and signaling pathways governing early cell fate decisions as well as new technologies that will help to better understand these processes.

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani has added 7 preLight posts

Mechanics regulate human embryonic stem cell self-organization to specify mesoderm

Jonathon M. Muncie, Nadia M.E. Ayad, Johnathon N. Lakins, et al.

Selected by 30 June 2020

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

MiR-146a controls age related bone loss

Victoria Saferding, Melanie Hofmann, Julia S. Brunner, et al.

Selected by 12 May 2020

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

Cell Biology

An asymmetry in the frequency and position of mitosis in the epiblast precedes gastrulation and suggests a role for mitotic rounding in cell delamination during primitive streak epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Evangéline Despin-Guitard, Navrita Mathiah, Matthew Stower, et al.

Selected by 12 March 2020

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

N-cadherin stabilises neural identity by dampening anti-neural signals

K Punovuori, RP Migueles, M Malaguti, et al.

Selected by 13 August 2019

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani, Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

Developmental Biology

Maternal pluripotency factors prime the zygotic genome to respond to intercellular signals

George E Gentsch, Thomas Spruce, Nick D L Owens, et al.

Selected by 25 July 2018

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

Germ layer specific regulation of cell polarity and adhesion gives insight into the evolution of mesoderm.

Miguel Salinas-Saavedra, Amber Q. Rock, Mark Q. Martindale

Selected by 26 April 2018

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

Developmental Biology

Inheritance of OCT4 predetermines fate choice in human embryonic stem cells

Samuel C. Wolff, Raluca Dumitru, Kasia M. Kedziora, et al.

Selected by 14 February 2018

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani

Developmental Biology

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