
Joanna Zell

Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France

Hi to the community, it’s great to be here. I’m a post-doc researcher in Dijon, France, working on chemical targeting and monitoring of alternative DNA structures (G-quadruplexes, three-way junctions). I did my PhD in Paris on clickable glycosphingolipid synthesis and cellular reconstitution methods. I did my Masters in Sheffield on nucleotide synthesis and organic chemistry. I grew up in SE London and my cockney accent is almost gone now!

In my spare time I also do some humanitarian project management work with Chimistes sans Frontières, and I love doing scientific and humanitarian outreach activities (Pint of Science, Emmaüs).

Joanna Zell has added 2 preLight posts

Bioluminescent Genetically Encoded Glutamate Indicator for Molecular Imaging of Neuronal Activity

E. D. Petersen, E. L. Crespo, G. G. Lambert, et al.

Selected by 03 July 2021

Joanna Zell, Kristina Kuhbandner

Molecular Biology

Foldamers Reveal and Validate Novel Therapeutic Targets Associated with Toxic α-Synuclein Self-Assembly

Jemil Ahmed, Tessa C. Fitch, Courtney M. Donnelly, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2021

Joanna Zell


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