
Mahesh Karnani

I’m a neurophysiologist working on neocortical and hypothalamic circuitry with patch clamp in slices and Ca++ imaging in vivo.

Mahesh Karnani has added 5 preLight posts

Opposing influence of top-down and bottom-up input on different types of excitatory layer 2/3 neurons in mouse visual cortex

Rebecca Jordan, Georg Keller

Selected by 07 April 2020

Mahesh Karnani


Strong preference for autaptic self-connectivity of neocortical PV interneurons entrains them to γ-oscillations

Charlotte Deleuze, Gary S Bhumbra, Antonio Pazienti, et al.

Selected by 20 December 2018

Mahesh Karnani


Targeting light-gated chloride channels to neuronal somatodendritic domain reduces their excitatory effect in the axon

Jessica Messier, Hongmei Chen, Zhao-Lin Cai, et al.


High-efficiency optogenetic silencing with soma-targeted anion-conducting channelrhodopsins

Mathias Mahn, Lihi Gibor, Katayun Cohen-Kashi Malina, et al.

Selected by 22 July 2018

Mahesh Karnani


Cerebellar contribution to preparatory activity in motor neocortex

Francois Pierre Chabrol, Antonin Blot, Thomas D Mrsic-Flogel

Selected by 17 July 2018

Mahesh Karnani


Sparse recurrent excitatory connectivity in the microcircuit of the adult mouse and human cortex

Stephanie C Seeman, Luke Campagnola, Pasha A Davoudian, et al.

Selected by 31 May 2018

Mahesh Karnani


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