marmite defines a novel conserved neuropeptide family mediating nutritional homeostasis
Selected by
22 March 2023
Pablo Ranea Robles, Cláudia Gil

Mitochondrial fission factor (MFF) is a critical regulator of peroxisome maturation
Selected by
30 March 2020
Pablo Ranea Robles

Alteration of cardiolipin-dependent mitochondrial coupling in muscle protects against obesity
Selected by
04 November 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles
Metabolism of fatty acids and ketone bodies for glioblastoma growth: Implications for Ketogenic Diet Therapy
Selected by
19 August 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles

Intestinal peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation regulates neural serotonin signaling through a feedback mechanism
Selected by
29 May 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles

Spastin tethers lipid droplets to peroxisomes and directs fatty acid trafficking through ESCRT-III
Selected by
22 April 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles

Hepatocyte-specific deletion of Pparα promotes NASH in the context of obesity
Selected by
07 March 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles

Reduced mitochondrial lipid oxidation leads to fat accumulation in myosteatosis
Selected by
07 January 2019
Pablo Ranea Robles

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday
This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.
List by | Sergio Menchero et al. |
Cellular metabolism
A curated list of preprints related to cellular metabolism at Biorxiv by Pablo Ranea Robles from the Prelights community. Special interest on lipid metabolism, peroxisomes and mitochondria.
List by | Pablo Ranea Robles |