I am interested in developing and applying advanced microscopy techniques to decipher functional and structural organisation of viral and cellular life at multiple scales. For this, I develop analytical and optical tools. In particular, I am interested in virus assembly and architecture as well as the dynamics of cell-to-cell viral infection.
Molecular resolution imaging by post-labeling expansion single-molecule localization microscopy (Ex-SMLM)
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15 April 2020
Romain F. Laine

Mitochondrial RNA granules are fluid condensates, positioned by membrane dynamics
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14 October 2019
Romain F. Laine

Label-retention expansion microscopy
Evaluation of direct grafting strategies in Expansion Microscopy
Selected by
06 August 2019
Romain F. Laine

Applications, Promises, and Pitfalls of Deep Learning for Fluorescence Image Reconstruction
Selected by
09 January 2019
Romain F. Laine