
Stephan Daetwyler

UT Southwestern

Stephan Daetwyler is a postdoctoral researcher at UT Southwestern in the Fiolka lab at the Department of Cell Biology, and the 2020 president of the Postdoctoral Association at UT Southwestern. Currently, he is supported by an Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation. He is particularly interested in understanding dynamic processes in development and disease such as cancer by developing and applying new biological disease models, state-of-the art microscopy, custom data processing and analysis.

Stephan was born and raised in Switzerland where he received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Interdisciplinary Sciences at ETH Zurich with a major in Biology and Physics. In 2013, he joined the lab of Dr. Jan Huisken at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden, Germany, for his Ph.D. thesis. There, he studied the formation of the vasculature  in zebrafish on a whole embryo level. For this, he implemented a dedicated multi-sample light-sheet imaging, processing and analysis workflow. During his Ph.D. wrap up time, Stephan was also supported by Dr. Alf Honigmann and Dr. Carl Modes. In collaborations, he contributed amongst others to our understanding of the influence of blood flow on vessel remodeling, cancer cell dissemination, initiation of metastasis, and formation of organoids.

Stephan Daetwyler has added 3 preLight posts

Ultrafast phasor-based hyperspectral snapshot microscopy for biomedical imaging

Per Niklas Hedde, Rachel Cinco, Leonel Malacrida, et al.

Selected by 05 November 2020

Stephan Daetwyler


In vivo glucose imaging in multiple model organisms with an engineered single-wavelength sensor

Jacob P. Keller, Jonathan S. Marvin, Haluk Lacin, et al.

Selected by 05 April 2019

Stephan Daetwyler


Imaging mechanical properties of sub-micron ECM in live zebrafish using Brillouin microscopy

Carlo Bevilacqua, Héctor Sánchez Iranzo, Dmitry Richter, et al.

Selected by 08 January 2019

Stephan Daetwyler


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