
Advances in microscopy

This preList highlights exciting unpublished preprint articles describing advances in microscopy with a focus on light-sheet microscopy.

List by Stephan Daetwyler


Light-sheet microscopy with isotropic, sub-micron resolution and solvent-independent large-scale imaging

Tonmoy Chakraborty, Meghan Driscoll, Malea Murphy, Philippe Roudot, Bo-Jui Chang, Saumya Vora, Wen Mai Wong, Cara Nielson, Hua Zhang, Vladimir Zhemkov, Chitkale Hiremath, Estanislao Daniel De La Cruz, Ilya Bezprozvanny, Hu Zhao, Raju Tomer, Rainer Heintzmann, Julian Meeks, Denise Marciano, Sean Morrison, Gaudenz Danuser, Kevin M. Dean, Reto Fiolka

This preprint article describes a novel cleared tissue microscope for a wide range of clearing solutions and with unprecedented axial resolution.

The mesoSPIM initiative: open-source light-sheet mesoscopes for imaging in cleared tissue

Fabian F. Voigt, Daniel Kirschenbaum, Evgenia Platonova, Stéphane Pagès, Robert A. A. Campbell, Rahel Kästli, Martina Schaettin, Ladan Egolf, Alexander van der Bourg, Philipp Bethge, Karen Haenraets, Noémie Frézel, Thomas Topilko, Paola Perin, Daniel Hillier, Sven Hildebrand, Anna Schueth, Alard Roebroeck, Botond Roska, Esther Stoeckli, Roberto Pizzala, Nicolas Renier, Hanns Ulrich Zeilhofer, Theofanis Karayannis, Urs Ziegler, Laura Batti, Anthony Holtmaat, Christian Lüscher, Adriano Aguzzi, Fritjof Helmchen

This preprint article describes a novel open-source cleared tissue microscope ideally suited to image large samples such as whole organisms.

Multi-immersion open-top light-sheet microscope for high-throughput imaging of cleared tissues

Adam K. Glaser, Nicholas P. Reder, Ye Chen, Chengbo Yin, Linpeng Wei, Soyoung Kang, Lindsey A. Barner, Weisi Xie, Erin F. McCarty, Chenyi Mao, Aaron R. Halpern, Caleb R. Stoltzfus, Jonathan S. Daniels, Michael Y. Gerner, Philip R Nicovich, Joshua C. Vaughan, Lawrence D. True, Jonathan T.C. Liu

This preprint article describes a novel microscope for cleared tissue which is particularly suited for clinical samples.

About samples, giving examples: Optimized Single Molecule Localization Microscopy

Angélique Jimenez, Karoline Friedl, Christophe Leterrier

This helpful preprint introduces a comprehensive list of tips and tricks acquired over years of experience for Single Molecule Localization Microscopy techniques such as single-color Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) and multicolor DNA Points Accumulation for imaging in Nanoscale Topography (DNA-PAINT).

Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation multiphoton microscopy

Devin R. Beaulieu, Ian G. Davison, Thomas G. Bifano, Jerome Mertz

This preprint introduces an interesting concept of volumentric imaging in multiphoton microscopy, termed reverberation MPM. The technique can be implemented as simple add-on on existing multiphoton microscopes.

Dense neuronal reconstruction through X-ray holographic nano-tomography

Alexandra Pacureanu, Jasper T Maniates-Selvin, Aaron T Kuan, Logan A Thomas, Chiao-Lin Chen, Peter Cloetens, Wei-Chung Allen Lee

To extract neuronal morphologies, scientists often rely on visible light and electron microscopy. Here, Pacureanu et al. demonstrate that X-ray holographic nano-tomography provides a new avenue for this field, especially for dense neuronal circuitry. They further demonstrate that convolutional neural networks enables rapid segmentation and extraction of neuronal morphologies.

VIEW-MOD: A Versatile Illumination Engine With a Modular Optical Design for Fluorescence Microscopy

Bei Liu, Chad M. Hobson, Frederico M. Pimenta, Evan Nelsen, Joe Hsiao, Timothy O’Brien, Michael R. Falvo, Klaus M. Hahn, Richard Superfine

Bei Liu and colleagues present VIEW-MOD, a versatile system combining vaTIRF, point-scanning and light sheet imaging modalities into one imaging platform. The different imaging modalities will enable new biological studies beyond the limits of a single technique.


Categories: bioengineering

Tags: field synthesis , light-sheet microscopy , live-imaging , smart microscopy , spim

Posted on: 20 May 2019 , updated on: 14 June 2019

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