CRISPR-dependent base editing screens identify separation of function mutants of RADX with altered RAD51 regulatory activity
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06 September 2023
Jessica Chevallier, Pierre Caron

Proteasome condensate formation is driven by multivalent interactions with shuttle factors and K48-linked ubiquitin chains
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05 September 2023
Aniruddha Das

A Phosphoproteomics Data Resource for Systems-level Modeling of Kinase Signaling Networks
Selected by
30 August 2023
Benjamin Dominik Maier

H2O2 sulfenylates CHE linking local infection to establishment of systemic acquired resistance
Selected by
23 August 2023
Marc Somssich

PYCR1 Levels Track with Premature and Chronological Skin Aging
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17 August 2023
Preethi Krishnaraj

Similarity metric learning on perturbational datasets improves functional identification of perturbations
Selected by
17 August 2023
Benjamin Dominik Maier, Anna Foix Romero

The landscape of biomedical research
ChatGPT identifies gender disparities in scientific peer review
Selected by
16 August 2023
Reinier Prosee

Glycan-specific IgM is critical for human immunity to Staphylococcus aureus
Selected by
10 August 2023
Lucy Bowden

VEGFA mRNA-LNP promotes biliary epithelial cell-to-hepatocyte conversion in acute and chronic liver diseases and reverses steatosis and fibrosis
Selected by
04 August 2023
Organogenesis and Cancer Program

Small extracellular vesicles promote stiffness-mediated metastasis
Selected by
03 August 2023
Jade Chan, yohalie kalukula

An oncogenic isoform of septin 9 promotes the formation of juxtanuclear invadopodia by reducing nuclear deformability
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31 July 2023
Megane Rayer

Glial Draper signaling triggers cross-neuron plasticity in bystander neurons after neuronal cell death
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29 July 2023
Matthew Davies