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Your search returned 58 results.

A SARS-CoV-2-Human Protein-Protein Interaction Map Reveals Drug Targets and Potential Drug-Repurposing

David E. Gordon, Gwendolyn M. Jang, Mehdi Bouhaddou, et al.

Selected by 09 April 2020

Robert Mahen

Systems Biology

Amplicon based MinION sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 and metagenomic characterisation of nasopharyngeal swabs from patients with COVID-19

Shona C Moore, Rebekah Penrice-Randal, Muhannad Alruwaili, et al.

Selected by 02 April 2020

Euan McDonnell


NINJA: an inducible genetic model for creating neoantigens in vivo

Martina Damo, Brittany Fitzgerald, Yisi Lu, et al.

Selected by 04 March 2020

Deborah Caswell

Cancer Biology

Six new reference-quality bat genomes illuminate the molecular basis and evolution of bat adaptations

David Jebb, Zixia Huang, Martin Pippel, et al.

Selected by 08 February 2020

Alexa Sadier, Alexa Sadier


Polypyrimidine Tract Binding Proteins are essential for B cell development

Elisa Monzón-Casanova, Louise S. Matheson, Kristina Tabbada, et al.

Selected by 24 October 2019

Jonny Coates


Generalized displacement of DNA- and RNA-binding factors mediates the toxicity of arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides

V. Lafarga, O. Sirozh, I. Díaz-López, et al.

Selected by 30 July 2019

Emily Graves


Elucidating the molecular determinants of Aβ aggregation with deep mutational scanning

Vanessa E Gray, Katherine Sitko, Floriane Z. Ngako Kameni, et al.

Selected by 18 July 2019

Suzanne McDermott

Molecular Biology

AGO1x prevents dsRNA-induced interferon signaling to promote breast cancer cell proliferation

Souvik Ghosh, Joao C Guimaraes, Manuela Lanzafame, et al.

Selected by 05 May 2019

Lorenzo Lafranchi

Cancer Biology

Evolution-guided design of super-restrictor antiviral proteins reveals a breadth-versus-specificity tradeoff

Rossana S Colon-Thillet, Emily S Hsieh, Laura Graf, et al.

Selected by 13 March 2019

Connor Rosen


HIV-1 Gag specifically restricts PI(4,5)P2 and cholesterol mobility in living cells creating a nanodomain platform for virus assembly

C. Favard, J. Chojnacki, P. Merida, et al.

Selected by 11 March 2019

Amberley Stephens

Cell Biology

Prospective, brain-wide labeling of neuronal subclasses with enhancer-driven AAVs

Lucas T Graybuck, Adriana Sedeño-Cortés, Thuc Nghi Nguyen, et al.

Selected by 27 February 2019

Jesus Victorino


Functional characterization of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE 3 in reproductive tissue

Pauline E Jullien, Stefan Grob, Antonin Marchais, et al.

Selected by 21 January 2019

Chandra Shekhar Misra

Developmental Biology