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Your search returned 134 results.

Lysosomal retargeting of Myoferlin mitigates membrane stress to enable pancreatic cancer growth

Suprit Gupta, Julian Yano, Htet Htwe Htwe, et al.

Selected by 27 January 2021

Berrak Ugur

Cancer Biology

GAK and PRKCD are positive regulators of PRKN-independent mitophagy

Michael J. Munson, Benan J. Mathai, Laura Trachsel, et al.

Selected by 19 January 2021

Kirsty Hooper

Cell Biology

Smad3 Regulates Smooth Muscle Cell Fate and Governs Adverse Remodeling and Calcification of Atherosclerotic Plaque

Paul Cheng, Robert C. Wirka, Juyong Brian Kim, et al.

Selected by 12 January 2021

Debbie Ho

Cell Biology

Dissecting Mammalian Spermatogenesis Using Spatial Transcriptomics

Haiqi Chen, Evan Murray, Anisha Laumas, et al.

Selected by 07 January 2021

Martin Estermann

Cell Biology

The impact of biological sex on alternative splicing

Guy Karlebach, Diogo F.T. Veiga, Anne Deslattes Mays, et al.

Selected by 27 December 2020

Jennifer Ann Black


Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy

Larissa Heinrich, Davis Bennett, David Ackerman, et al.

Selected by 22 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Integrative Brain Transcriptome Analysis Links Complement Component 4 and HSPA2 to the APOE ε2 Protective Effect in Alzheimer disease

Rebecca Panitch, Junming Hu, Jaeyoon Chung, et al.

Selected by 17 December 2020

Theresa Pohlkamp


Microtissue geometry and cell-generated forces drive patterning of liver progenitor cell differentiation in 3D

Ian C. Berg, Erfan Mohagheghian, Krista Habing, et al.

Selected by 13 December 2020

Mariana De Niz


Modelling disease transmission from touchscreen user interfaces

Andrew Di Battista, Christos Nicolaides, Orestis Georgiou

Selected by 12 December 2020

Mariana De Niz


Sick Bats Stay Home Alone: Social distancing during the acute phase response in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus)

Kelsey R. Moreno, Maya Weinberg, Lee Harten, et al.

Selected by 11 December 2020

Baheerathan Murugavel

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Automated Detection and Diameter Estimation for Mouse Mesenteric Artery using Semantic Segmentation

Akinori Higaki, Ahmad U. M. Mahmoud, Pierre Paradis, et al.

Selected by 11 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Developmental Biology

A zebrafish model for COVID-19 recapitulates olfactory and cardiovascular pathophysiologies caused by SARS-CoV-2

Aurora Kraus, Elisa Casadei, Mar Huertas, et al.

Selected by 04 December 2020

Mariana De Niz
