
Search results

Your search returned 118 results.

RefPlantNLR: a comprehensive collection of experimentally validated plant NLRs

Jiorgos Kourelis, Sophien Kamoun

Selected by 21 July 2020

Hiral Shah

Plant Biology

Guide RNA categorization enables target site choice in Tn7-CRISPR-Cas transposons

Michael T. Petassi, Shan-Chi Hsieh, Joseph E. Peters

Selected by 16 July 2020

haridha shivram


20 years of African Neuroscience: Waking a sleeping giant

MB Maina, U Ahmad, HA Ibrahim, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2020

Mariana De Niz


Breaking the next Cryo-EM resolution barrier – Atomic resolution determination of proteins!

Ka Man Yip, Niels Fischer, Elham Paknia, et al.

Selected by 09 July 2020

Mariana De Niz


Metabolic scaling has diversified among species, despite an evolutionary constraint within species

Julian E. Beaman, Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos, Keyne Monro, et al.

Selected by 30 June 2020

Charlotte Nelson

Developmental Biology

Live-cell 3D single-molecule tracking reveals how NuRD modulates enhancer dynamics

S Basu, O Shukron, A Ponjavic, et al.


Live-cell single particle tracking of PRC1 reveals a highly dynamic system with low target site occupancy

Miles K. Huseyin, Robert J. Klose

Selected by 22 May 2020

Gabriel Aughey

Lysosomal activity regulates Caenorhabditis elegans mitochondrial dynamics through vitamin B12 metabolism

Wei Wei, Gary Ruvkun

Selected by 06 May 2020

Aakriti Jain

Cell Biology

Dissecting individual pathogen-commensal interactions within a complex gut microbiota community

Jack Hassall, Meera Unnikrishnan

Selected by 05 May 2020

Josie Gibson


Morphogenesis is transcriptionally coupled to neurogenesis during peripheral olfactory organ development

Raphaël Aguillon, Romain Madelaine, Harendra Guturu, et al.

Selected by 05 May 2020

Karen Groß

Developmental Biology

Changing and stable chromatin accessibility supports transcriptional overhaul during neural stem cell activation

Sun Y. Maybury-Lewis, Abigail K. Brown, Mitchell Yeary, et al.

Selected by 01 May 2020

Kirsty Ferguson

Molecular Biology

Parallel CRISPR-Cas9 screens clarify impacts of p53 on screen performance

Anne Ramsay Bowden, David A. Morales Juarez, Matylda Sczaniecka-Clift, et al.

Selected by 27 April 2020

Mila Basic

Cell Biology

Amplicon based MinION sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 and metagenomic characterisation of nasopharyngeal swabs from patients with COVID-19

Shona C Moore, Rebekah Penrice-Randal, Muhannad Alruwaili, et al.

Selected by 02 April 2020

Euan McDonnell
