A Window into Mammalian basement membrane Development: Insights from the mTurq2-Col4a1 Mouse Model
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30 October 2023
Uwe Töpfer
Mechanical forces across compartments coordinate cell shape and fate transitions to generate tissue architecture
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15 February 2023
Sudeepa Nandi
Collagen polarization provides a structural memory for the elongation of epithelial anlage
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19 March 2021
Ilaria Di Meglio
Endothelial junctional membrane protrusions serve as hotspots for neutrophil transmigration
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19 February 2021
Jonny Coates
Dissecting Mammalian Spermatogenesis Using Spatial Transcriptomics
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07 January 2021
Martin Estermann
Increased SGK1 activity potentiates mineralocorticoid/NaCl-induced hypertension and kidney injury
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29 July 2020
Nándor Lipták
A multi-layered and dynamic apical extracellular matrix shapes the vulva lumen in Caenorhabditis elegans
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06 May 2020
Matus Lab
Early neurulation recapitulated in assemblies of embryonic and extraembryonic cells
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24 April 2020
Monica Tambalo
An asymmetry in the frequency and position of mitosis in the epiblast precedes gastrulation and suggests a role for mitotic rounding in cell delamination during primitive streak epithelial-mesenchymal transition
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12 March 2020
Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani
A developmental gene regulatory network for invasive differentiation of the C. elegans anchor cell
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05 August 2019
Sina Knapp
Planar differential growth rates determine the position of folds in complex epithelia
Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement
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23 February 2019
Sundar Naganathan
Analysis of the role of Nidogen/entactin in basement membrane assembly and morphogenesis in Drosophila
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30 August 2018
Nargess Khalilgharibi