DOT1L activity affects cell lineage progression in the developing brain by controlling metabolic programs
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26 August 2022
Laura Celotto

Temporal changes in plasma membrane lipid content induce endocytosis to regulate developmental epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
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15 December 2020
Glò Casas Gimeno
Robustness of epithelial sealing is an emerging property of local ERK feedbacks driven by cell elimination
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19 April 2020
Glò Casas Gimeno

An asymmetry in the frequency and position of mitosis in the epiblast precedes gastrulation and suggests a role for mitotic rounding in cell delamination during primitive streak epithelial-mesenchymal transition
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12 March 2020
Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani
Snail induces epithelial cell extrusion through transcriptional control of RhoA contractile signaling and cell matrix adhesion
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06 May 2019
Ankita Jha

Reconstruction of the global neural crest gene regulatory network in vivo
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28 January 2019
Hannah Brunsdon

The Toll pathway inhibits tissue growth and regulates cell fitness in an infection-dependent manner
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24 November 2018
Rohan Khadilkar