Circularly permuted LOV domain as an engineering module for optogenetic tools
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01 July 2021
Soni Mohapatra

The collapse of the spindle following ablation in S. pombe is mediated by microtubules and the motor protein dynein
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24 June 2021
Leeba Ann Chacko

Overdominant mutations restrict the adaptive loss of heterozygosity at linked loci
Selected by
07 June 2021
Mariana Natalino

Scaling of cellular proteome with ploidy
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31 May 2021
Jennifer Ann Black

Cytosolic aggregation of mitochondrial proteins disrupts cellular homeostasis by stimulating other proteins aggregation
Selected by
20 May 2021
Eric McGregor

Post-transcriptional regulation of Leishmania fitness gain
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05 April 2021
Joao Mello-Vieira

Clathrin adaptors mediate two sequential pathways of intra-Golgi recycling
Selected by
26 March 2021
Jennifer Ann Black

A systematic analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromatin factors identifies novel protein interaction networks associated with sites of transcription initiation and termination
Selected by
11 March 2021
Tamara Sternlieb

Crosstalk between H2A variant-specific modifications impacts vital cell functions
Selected by
06 March 2021
Pravrutha Raman, Harmit Malik

Transgenerational Regulation of Sexual Attractiveness in C. elegans Nematodes
Selected by
11 February 2021
Yasmin Lau

Cell patterning by secretion-induced plasma membrane flows
Selected by
21 January 2021
Helen Zenner

Force requirements of endocytic vesicle formation
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18 December 2020
Mariana De Niz