
Filtered by bioengineering category

Vesicles driven by dynein and kinesin exhibit directional reversals without external regulators

Ashwin I. D’Souza, Rahul Grover, Gina A. Monzon, et al.

Selected by 25 January 2023

Divya Pathak


Genetically encoded multimeric tags for intracellular protein localisation in cryo-EM

Herman KH Fung, Yuki Hayashi, Veijo T Salo, et al.

Selected by 16 January 2023

Martyna Kosno-Vega


Actin-driven protrusions generate rapid long-range membrane tension propagation in cells

Henry De Belly, Shannon Yan, Hudson Borja da Rocha, et al.

Selected by 23 November 2022

Nicolaes Hyun-Kee Min

Cell Biology

PHYTOMap: Multiplexed single-cell 3D spatial gene expression analysis in plant tissue

Tatsuya Nobori, Marina Oliva, Ryan Lister, et al.

Selected by 02 September 2022

Gwendolyn K. Kirschner, Marc Somssich


Quantification of cell penetrating peptide mediated delivery of proteins in plant leaves

Jeffrey W. Wang, Natalie Goh, Edward Lien, et al.

Selected by 06 June 2022

Gwendolyn K. Kirschner

Plant Biology

Mechanical stress driven by rigidity sensing governs epithelial stability

Surabhi Sonam, Lakshmi Balasubramaniam, Shao-Zhen Lin, et al.

Selected by 23 May 2022

yohalie kalukula

Cell Biology