The tuatara genome: insights into vertebrate evolution from the sole survivor of an ancient reptilian order
Selected by
20 December 2019
Miguel V. Almeida

Oxygenation properties of hemoglobin and the evolutionary origins of isoform multiplicity in an amphibious air-breathing fish, the blue-spotted mudskipper (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)
Selected by
04 November 2019
Charlotte Nelson

Regulatory context drives conservation of glycine riboswitch aptamers
Selected by
30 October 2019
Defne Surujon

Variant antigen diversity in Trypanosoma vivax is not driven by recombination
Selected by
21 October 2019
Mariana De Niz

Ancient genomic regulatory blocks are a major source for gene deserts in vertebrates after whole genome duplications
Selected by
14 October 2019
Jesus Victorino

Nanopore-based genome assembly and the evolutionary genomics of basmati rice
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19 September 2019
Edi Sudianto