
Filtered by evolutionary biology category

The spindle assembly checkpoint functions during early development in non-chordate embryos

Janet Chenevert, Marianne Roca, Lydia Besnardeau, et al.

Selected by 03 April 2019

Maiko Kitaoka

Developmental Biology

Evolution-guided design of super-restrictor antiviral proteins reveals a breadth-versus-specificity tradeoff

Rossana S Colon-Thillet, Emily S Hsieh, Laura Graf, et al.

Selected by 13 March 2019

Connor Rosen


Establishment of the mayfly Cloeon dipterum as a new model system to investigate insect evolution

Isabel Almudi, Carlos Martin-Blanco, Isabel Maria Garcia-Fernandez, et al.

Selected by 21 February 2019

Ivan Candido-Ferreira

Developmental Biology

Symmetry breaking in the embryonic skin triggers a directional and sequential front of competence during plumage patterning

Richard Bailleul, Carole Desmarquet-Trin Dinh, Magdalena Hidalgo, et al.

Selected by 21 December 2018

Alexa Sadier

Developmental Biology

Bridging the divide: bacteria synthesizing archaeal membrane lipids

Laura Villanueva, F. A. Bastiaan von Meijenfeldt, Alexander B. Westbye, et al.


Extensive transfer of membrane lipid biosynthetic genes between Archaea and Bacteria

Gareth A. Coleman, Richard D. Pancost, Tom A. Williams

Selected by 21 October 2018

Dey Lab

Cell Biology

PUMILIO hyperactivity drives premature aging of Norad-deficient mice

Florian Kopp, Mehmet Yalvac, Beibei Chen, et al.

Selected by 09 October 2018

Carmen Adriaens
