Maintenance of spatial gene expression by Polycomb-mediated repression after formation of a vertebrate body plan
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07 January 2019
Yen-Chung Chen

The embryonic transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana
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17 December 2018
Chandra Shekhar Misra

Simultaneous multiplexed amplicon sequencing and transcriptome profiling in single cells
High-throughput targeted long-read single cell sequencing reveals the clonal and transcriptional landscape of lymphocytes
Selected by
20 November 2018
Samantha Seah

The microbial basis of impaired wound healing: differential roles for pathogens, "bystanders", and strain-level diversification in clinical outcomes
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24 October 2018
Snehal Kadam

Comparative analysis of droplet-based ultra-high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq systems
Selected by
17 October 2018
Samantha Seah

PUMILIO hyperactivity drives premature aging of Norad-deficient mice
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09 October 2018
Carmen Adriaens