
Filtered by immunology category

Th17 cell master transcription factor RORC2 regulates HIV-1 gene expression and viral outgrowth

Tomas Raul Wiche Salinas, Yuwei Zhang, Daniele Sarnello, et al.

Selected by 20 April 2021

Joao Mello-Vieira


From Structure to Sequence: Identification of polyclonal antibody families using cryoEM

Aleksandar Anatanasijevic, Charles A. Bowman, Robert N. Kirchdoerfer, et al.

Selected by 20 April 2021

Matthew Burke


Dram1 confers resistance to Salmonella infection

Samrah Masud, Rui Zhang, Tomasz K. Prajsnar, et al.

Selected by 12 April 2021

Josie Gibson


Sterile Inflammation Alters Neutrophil Kinetics in Mice

Alakesh Singh, Thiruvickraman Jothiprakasam, Jayashree V. Raghavan, et al.

Selected by 19 March 2021

Oindrila Bhattacharjee


Suppression of Plasmodium MIF-CD74 Signaling Protects Against Severe Malaria

Alvaro Baeza Garcia, Edwin Siu, Xin Du, et al.

Selected by 27 February 2021

Joao Mello-Vieira


Endothelial junctional membrane protrusions serve as hotspots for neutrophil transmigration

Janine J.G. Arts, Eike K. Mahlandt, Max L.B. Grönloh, et al.

Selected by 19 February 2021

Jonny Coates

Cell Biology