Actomyosin-driven tension at compartmental boundaries orients cell division independently of cell geometry in vivo
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05 November 2018
Ivana Viktorinová
Cryo-EM structure of cardiac amyloid fibrils from an immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis patient
Selected by
05 November 2018
Tessa Sinnige
Molecular organization of integrin-based adhesion complexes in mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Superresolution architecture of pluripotency guarding adhesions
Selected by
02 November 2018
Nicola Stevenson, Amanda Haage
Transcriptional initiation and mechanically driven self-propagation of a tissue contractile wave during axis elongation
Selected by
02 November 2018
Sundar Naganathan
Evidence for an Integrated Gene Repression Mechanism based on mRNA Isoform Toggling in Human Cells
Selected by
30 October 2018
Clarice Hong
PlotsOfData - a web app for visualizing data together with its summaries
Selected by
29 October 2018
Guillaume Jacquemet