
Search results

Your search returned 311 results.

Coupled active systems encode emergent behavioral dynamics of the unicellular predator Lacrymaria olor

Scott M. Coyle, Ellie M. Flaum, Hongquan Li, et al.

Selected by 29 January 2020

Mariana De Niz


Species-specific developmental timing is associated with global differences in protein stability in mouse and human

Teresa Rayon, Despina Stamataki, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, et al.

Selected by 16 January 2020

Irepan Salvador-Martinez

Developmental Biology

Rab11A regulates the constitutive secretory pathway during Toxoplasma gondii invasion of host cells and parasite replication

Venugopal Kannan, Chehade Sylia, Werkmeister Elisabeth, et al.

Selected by 18 December 2019

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Insights from a survey-based analysis of the academic job market

Jason D. Fernandes, Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Christopher T. Smith, et al.

Selected by 08 December 2019

Jonny Coates et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

BIAFLOWS: A collaborative framework to benchmark bioimage analysis workflows

Ulysse Rubens, Romain Mormont, Volker Baecker, et al.

Selected by 29 November 2019

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Identification of neural oscillations and epileptiform changes in human brain organoids

Ranmal A. Samarasinghe, Osvaldo A. Miranda, Simon Mitchell, et al.

Selected by 25 November 2019

Theresa Pohlkamp


ROS production by localized SCHENGEN receptor module drives lignification at subcellular precision

Satoshi Fujita, Damien De Bellis, Kai H. Edel, et al.

Selected by 22 November 2019

Marc Somssich

Plant Biology

biorxiv: the preprint server for biology

Richard Sever, Ted Roeder, Samantha Hindle, et al.

Selected by 19 November 2019

Jonny Coates, Rob Hynds

Scientific Communication and Education

Combined Atomic Force Microscope and Volumetric Light Sheet System for Mechanobiology

E. Nelsen, C.M. Hobson, M.E. Kern, et al.

Selected by 12 November 2019

Martim Dias Gomes


Potential soil transmission of a novel Candidatus Liberibacter strain detected in citrus seedlings grown in soil from a huanglongbing infested citrus grove

Ulisses Nunes da Rocha, Keumchul Shin, Sujan Timilsina, et al.

Selected by 09 November 2019

Kiran Gurung


Alteration of cardiolipin-dependent mitochondrial coupling in muscle protects against obesity

Alexandre Prola, Jordan Blondelle, Aymeline Vandestienne, et al.

Selected by 04 November 2019

Pablo Ranea Robles

Regulatory context drives conservation of glycine riboswitch aptamers

Matt Crum, Nikhil Ram-Mohan, Michelle M. Meyer

Selected by 30 October 2019

Defne Surujon
