
Helen Robertson

The Company of Biologists

I am the Community Manager for preLights, having joined the Company of Biologists after a postdoctoral position at the University of Chicago. I have a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from UCL and am interested in science in society and how we can make science – and doing science! – more accessible to a wider demographic. I am a big advocate of preprinting and am very happy to be part of the brilliant preLights community.

Helen Robertson has added 10 preLight posts

Antimalarials in mosquitoes overcome Anopheles and Plasmodium resistance to malaria control strategies

Douglas G. , Alexandra S. , Erica, et al.

Selected by 19 August 2022

Nassif Seni, Helen Robertson


If this title is funny, will you cite me? Citation impacts of humour and other features of article titles in ecology and evolution

Stephen B. Heard, Chloe A. Cull, Easton R. White

Selected by 01 April 2022

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Taxonomic practice, creativity, and fashion: What’s in a spider name?

Stefano Mammola, Nathan Viel, Dylan Amiar, et al.

Selected by 07 March 2022

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Science in motion: A qualitative analysis of journalists’ use and perception of preprints

Alice Fleerackers, Laura Moorhead, Lauren A. Maggio, et al.

Selected by 03 March 2022

Helen Robertson, Jonny Coates

Scientific Communication and Education

An effective workshop on “How to be an Effective Mentor for Underrepresented STEM Trainees”

Andrea G. Marshall, Caroline B. Palavicino-Maggio, Elsie Spencer, et al.

Selected by 14 February 2022

Helen Robertson et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

Analysis of science journalism reveals gender and regional disparities in coverage

Natalie R. Davidson, Casey S. Greene

Selected by 23 December 2021

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Gender Imbalance in the Editorial Activities of a Researcher-led Journal

Tal Seidel Malkinson, Devin B. Terhune, Mathew Kollamkulam, et al.

Selected by 30 November 2021

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Free for all, or free-for-all? A content analysis of Australian university open access policies

Simon Wakeling, Danny Kingsley, Hamid R. Jamali, et al.

Selected by 28 October 2021

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Transparency in peer review: Exploring the content and tone of reviewers’ confidential comments to editors

Bridget C. O’Brien, Anthony R. Artino Jr., Joseph A. Costello, et al.

Selected by 13 September 2021

Helen Robertson, Mugdha Sathe

Woman Authorship in Pre-print Versus Peer-Reviewed Oral Health-Related Publications: A Two-Year Observational Study

Lavanya Rajendran, Namita Khandelwal, Jocelyne Feine, et al.

Selected by 29 July 2021

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Helen Robertson has collaborated with:

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