I am a postdoctoral researcher in James Turner’ laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute (London, UK) supported by a HFSP-LT fellowship. My scientific interests include developmental biology and cell fate choices, specially from a transcriptional regulation perspective. I obtained my Degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) in 2012. As an undergrad student I joined Miguel Manzanares’ laboratory at CNIC (Madrid, Spain) to study the regulation of the trophectoderm lineage in the mouse preimplantation embryo. I stayed in the same lab to perform a PhD thanks to a “FPI-Severo Ochoa” fellowship, and I focused on the transition of the totipotent embryo towards the activation of the first lineages. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to carry out a short stay in Kat Hadjantonakis’ lab at the Sloan Kettering Institute (New York, USA) learning live imaging. Currently, I am studying epigenetic mechanisms regulating X-chromosome inactivation during mammalian evolution.
A transcriptional and regulatory map of mouse somitogenesis
Sergio Menchero

Diverse mechanisms for epigenetic imprinting in mammals
Sergio Menchero

The chromatin, topological and regulatory properties of pluripotency-associated poised enhancers are conserved in vivo
Sergio Menchero

The deubiquitinase Usp9x regulates PRC2-mediated chromatin reprogramming during mouse development
Sergio Menchero

LINE elements are a reservoir of regulatory potential in mammalian genomes
Sergio Menchero

Trophectoderm Potency is Retained Exclusively in Human Naïve Cells
Sergio Menchero

The transcriptional legacy of developmental stochasticity
Sergio Menchero

A single-cell transcriptomics CRISPR-activation screen identifies new epigenetic regulators of zygotic genome activation
Sergio Menchero

Local rewiring of genome - nuclear lamina interactions by transcription
Sergio Menchero

Dynamics of Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation and Pachytene Activation in Mice Spermatogenesis
Sergio Menchero

Dynamic Erasure of Random X-Chromosome Inactivation during iPSC Reprogramming
Sergio Menchero

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday
This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.
List by | Sergio Menchero et al. |
EDBC Alicante 2019
Preprints presented at the European Developmental Biology Congress (EDBC) in Alicante, October 23-26 2019.
List by | Sergio Menchero et al. |