
Sergio Menchero

The Francis Crick Institute

I am a postdoctoral researcher in James Turner’ laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute (London, UK) supported by a HFSP-LT fellowship. My scientific interests include developmental biology and cell fate choices, specially from a transcriptional regulation perspective. I obtained my Degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) in 2012. As an undergrad student I joined Miguel Manzanares’ laboratory at CNIC (Madrid, Spain) to study the regulation of the trophectoderm lineage in the mouse preimplantation embryo. I stayed in the same lab to perform a PhD thanks to a “FPI-Severo Ochoa” fellowship, and I focused on the transition of the totipotent embryo towards the activation of the first lineages. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to carry out a short stay in Kat Hadjantonakis’ lab at the Sloan Kettering Institute (New York, USA) learning live imaging. Currently, I am studying epigenetic mechanisms regulating X-chromosome inactivation during mammalian evolution.

Sergio Menchero has added 11 preLight posts


A transcriptional and regulatory map of mouse somitogenesis

Ximena Ibarra-Soria, Elodie Thierion, Gi Fay Mok, et al.

Selected by 20 February 2023

Sergio Menchero

Developmental Biology

Diverse mechanisms for epigenetic imprinting in mammals

Daniel Andergassen, Zachary D. Smith, John L. Rinn, et al.

Selected by 18 June 2021

Sergio Menchero


The chromatin, topological and regulatory properties of pluripotency-associated poised enhancers are conserved in vivo

Giuliano Crispatzu, Rizwan Rehimi, Tomas Pachano, et al.

Selected by 17 February 2021

Sergio Menchero

Molecular Biology

The deubiquitinase Usp9x regulates PRC2-mediated chromatin reprogramming during mouse development

Trisha A. Macrae, Miguel Ramalho-Santos

Selected by 07 August 2020

Sergio Menchero

Molecular Biology

LINE elements are a reservoir of regulatory potential in mammalian genomes

Maša Roller, Ericca Stamper, Diego Villar, et al.

Selected by 22 June 2020

Sergio Menchero


Trophectoderm Potency is Retained Exclusively in Human Naïve Cells

Ge Guo, Giuliano Giuseppe Stirparo, Stanley Strawbridge, et al.

Selected by 01 March 2020

Sergio Menchero

Developmental Biology

The transcriptional legacy of developmental stochasticity

Sara Ballouz, Maria T. Pena, Frank M. Knight, et al.

Selected by 23 January 2020

Sergio Menchero


A single-cell transcriptomics CRISPR-activation screen identifies new epigenetic regulators of zygotic genome activation

Celia Alda-Catalinas, Danila Bredikhin, Irene Hernando-Herraez, et al.

Selected by 11 September 2019

Sergio Menchero

Developmental Biology

Local rewiring of genome - nuclear lamina interactions by transcription

Laura Brueckner, Peiyao A Zhao, Tom van Schaik, et al.

Selected by 15 July 2019

Sergio Menchero


Dynamics of Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation and Pachytene Activation in Mice Spermatogenesis

Ábel Vértesy, Javier Frias-Aldeguer, Zeliha Sahin, et al.

Selected by 27 June 2019

Sergio Menchero


Dynamic Erasure of Random X-Chromosome Inactivation during iPSC Reprogramming

Adrian Janiszewski, Irene Talon, Juan Song, et al.

Selected by 12 March 2019

Sergio Menchero

Developmental Biology

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