
Search results

Your search returned 105 results.

Lineage-specific CDK activity dynamics characterize early mammalian development

Bechara Saykali, Andy D. Tran, James A. Cornwell, et al.

Selected by 02 August 2024


Developmental Biology

Enhancer-driven cell type comparison reveals similarities between the mammalian and bird pallium

Nikolai Hecker , Niklas Kempynck , David Mauduit, et al.

Selected by 02 July 2024

Rodrigo Senovilla-Ganzo


Control of Inflammatory Response by Tissue Microenvironment

Zhongyang Wu, Scott D. Pope, Nasiha S. Ahmed, et al.

Selected by 13 June 2024

Roberto Amadio


Streptococcus pneumoniae augments circadian clock gene expression in zebrafish cells

Camila Morales Fénero, Raina E. Sacksteder, Jacqueline M. Kimmey

Selected by 15 May 2024

UofA IMB565 et al.


Structural basis of respiratory complexes adaptation to cold temperatures

Young-Cheul Shin, Pedro Latorre-Muro, Amina Djurabekova, et al.

Selected by 10 April 2024

Pamela Ornelas


Unlocking the secrets of kangaroo locomotor energetics: Postural adaptations underpin increased tendon stress in hopping kangaroos

Lauren H. Thornton, Taylor J.M. Dick, John R. Hutchinson, et al.

Selected by 25 March 2024

EMB EMB_Liv et al.


Double-strand breaks in facultative heterochromatin require specific movements and chromatin changes for efficient repair

Marieke R. Wensveen, Aditya A. Dixit, Serafin U. Colmenares, et al.

Selected by 15 December 2023

Pierre Caron

Molecular Biology

A Window into Mammalian Basement Membrane Development: Insights from the mTurq2-Col4a1 Mouse Model

Rebecca A. Jones, Brandon Trejo, Parijat Sil, et al.

Selected by 30 October 2023

Uwe Töpfer

Developmental Biology

LincRNAs enable germ cells differentiation by promoting PUF proteins condensation

Roni Falk, Noa Gilad, Hanna Achache, et al.

Selected by 30 October 2023

Umutcan Kaan Bozan et al.

Developmental Biology

Hypoxia blunts angiogenic signaling and upregulates the antioxidant system in elephant seal endothelial cells

Kaitlin N Allen, Julia María Torres-Velarde, Juan Manuel Vazquez, et al.

Selected by 13 September 2023

Sarah Young-Veenstra


Regeneration leads to global tissue rejuvenation in aging sexual planarians

Xiaoting Dai, Xinghua Li, Scott Pletcher, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2023

Sophia Friesen

Developmental Biology

DNA methylation rates scale with maximum lifespan across mammals

Samuel. J. C. Crofts, Eric Latorre-Crespo, Tamir Chandra

Selected by 13 June 2023

Jennifer Ann Black
