
Search results

Your search returned 158 results.

Basal extrusion drives cell invasion and mechanical stripping of E-cadherin

John Fadul, Gloria M Slattum, Nadja M Redd, et al.

Selected by 02 January 2019

William Hill

Cancer Biology

The modular mechanism of chromocenter formation in Drosophila

Madhav Jagannathan, Ryan Cummings, Yukiko M Yamashita

Selected by 11 December 2018

Maiko Kitaoka

Cell Biology

The Toll pathway inhibits tissue growth and regulates cell fitness in an infection-dependent manner

Federico Germani, Daniel Hain, Denise Sternlicht, et al.

Selected by 24 November 2018

Rohan Khadilkar

Cell Biology

Rapid embryonic cell cycles defer the establishment of heterochromatin by Eggless/SetDB1 in Drosophila

Charles A Seller, Chun-Yi Cho, Patrick H O'Farrell

Selected by 22 November 2018

Gabriel Aughey

Developmental Biology

PUMILIO hyperactivity drives premature aging of Norad-deficient mice

Florian Kopp, Mehmet Yalvac, Beibei Chen, et al.

Selected by 09 October 2018

Carmen Adriaens


Synergy with TGFβ ligands switches WNT pathway dynamics from transient to sustained during human pluripotent cell differentiation

Joseph Massey, Yida Liu, Omar Alvarenga, et al.

Selected by 09 October 2018

Pierre Osteil

Developmental Biology

LCM-seq reveals unique transcriptional adaption mechanisms of resistant neurons in spinal muscular atrophy

Susanne Nichterwitz, Helena Storvall, Jik Nijssen, et al.


Axon-seq decodes the motor axon transcriptome and its modulation in response to ALS

Jik Nijssen, Julio Cesar Aguila Benitez, Rein Hoogstraaten, et al.

Selected by 12 September 2018

Yen-Chung Chen

Systems Biology

Aurora A depletion reveals centrosome-independent polarization mechanism in C. elegans

Kerstin Klinkert, Nicolas Levernier, Peter Gross, et al.


Centrosome Aurora A gradient ensures a single PAR-2 polarity axis by regulating RhoGEF ECT-2 localization in C. elegans embryos

Sachin Kotak, Sukriti Kapoor

Selected by 09 September 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Cell Biology

LADL: Light-activated dynamic looping for endogenous gene expression control

Mayuri Rege, Ji Hun Kim, Jacqueline Valeri, et al.

Selected by 10 August 2018

Ivan Candido-Ferreira


A cell cycle-coordinated nuclear compartment for Polymerase II transcription encompasses the earliest gene expression before global genome activation

Yavor Hadzhiev, Haseeb Qureshi, Lucy Wheatley, et al.

Selected by 08 August 2018

Idoia Quintana-Urzainqui

Nuclear pore density controls heterochromatin reorganization during senescence

Charlene Boumendil, Priya Hari, Karl Olsen, et al.

Selected by 30 July 2018

Carmen Adriaens

The Histone H3-H4 Tetramer is a Copper Reductase Enzyme

Narsis Attar, Oscar A Campos, Maria Vogelauer, et al.

Selected by 18 July 2018

Lauren Neves

Molecular Biology