
Search results

Your search returned 130 results.

Prenatal inflammation reprograms hyperactive ILC2s that promote allergic lung inflammation and airway dysfunction

Diego A. López, Aleah Griffin, Lorena Moreno Aguilar, et al.

Selected by 08 February 2024

Marina Schernthanner


Inferring protein from mRNA concentrations using convolutional neural networks

Patrick Maximilian Schwehn, Pascal Falter-Braun

Selected by 20 December 2023

Benjamin Dominik Maier


The brittle star genome illuminates the genetic basis of animal appendage regeneration

Elise Parey, Olga Ortega-Martinez, Jérôme Delroisse, et al.

Selected by 16 December 2023

Isabella Cisneros

Evolutionary Biology

Inference of drug off-target effects on cellular signaling using Interactome-Based Deep Learning

Nikolaos Meimetis, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Avlant Nilsson

Selected by 29 November 2023

Benjamin Dominik Maier


NAD+ metabolism is a key modulator of bacterial respiratory epithelial infections

Björn Klabunde, André Wesener, Wilhelm Bertrams, et al.

Selected by 17 October 2023

Matheus Atella de Oliveira, Marcus Oliveira


H2O2 sulfenylates CHE linking local infection to establishment of systemic acquired resistance

Lijun Cao, Heejin Yoo, Tianyuan Chen, et al.

Selected by 23 August 2023

Marc Somssich

Plant Biology

A transposase-derived gene required for human brain development

Luz Jubierre Zapater, Elias Rodriguez-Fos, Merce Planas-Felix, et al.

Selected by 06 July 2023

Amanda Ivanoff

Developmental Biology

Nociceptor neuroimmune interactomes reveal cell type- and injury-specific inflammatory pain pathways

Aakanksha Jain, Benjamin M. Gyori, Sara Hakim, et al.

Selected by 05 July 2023

Patrick Penndorf


Caveola mechanotransduction reinforces the cortical cytoskeleton to promote epithelial resilience

John W. Brooks, Vikas Tillu, Suzie Verma, et al.

Selected by 15 June 2023

Teodora Piskova

Cell Biology

Glioblastoma extracellular vesicles influence glial cell hyaluronic acid deposition to promote invasiveness

Dominik Koessinger, David Novo, Anna Koessinger, et al.

Selected by 13 June 2023

Jade Chan

Cancer Biology

Interspecies blastocyst complementation generates functional rat cell-derived forebrain tissues in mice

Jia Huang, Bingbing He, Xiali Yang, et al.

Selected by 21 May 2023

Martin Estermann


Coxiella burnetii actively blocks IL-17-induced oxidative stress in macrophages

Tatiana M. Clemente, Leonardo Augusto, Rajendra K. Angara, et al.

Selected by 16 May 2023

UofA IMB565
