
Search results

Your search returned 35 results.

Evaluating features of scientific conferences: A call for improvements

Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Benjamin Schwessinger, Fiona N. Mumoki, et al.

Selected by 28 April 2020

Dey Lab

Scientific Communication and Education

Supervising the PhD: identifying common mismatches in expectations between candidate and supervisor to improve research training outcomes

Adam P.A. Cardilini, Alice Risley, Mark F. Richardson

Selected by 01 April 2020

Sejal Davla

Survey of Australian STEMM Early Career Researchers: job insecurity and questionable research practices are major structural concerns

Katherine Christian, Carolyn Johnstone, Jo-ann Larkins, et al.

Selected by 22 March 2020

Jonny Coates

Scientific Communication and Education

Insights from a survey-based analysis of the academic job market

Jason D. Fernandes, Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Christopher T. Smith, et al.

Selected by 08 December 2019

Jonny Coates et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

Engineering Phage Host-Range and Suppressing Bacterial Resistance Through Phage Tail Fiber Mutagenesis

Kevin Yehl, Sébastien Lemire, Andrew C. Yang, et al.

Selected by 27 July 2019

Zhang-He Goh

Synthetic Biology

The effect of bioRxiv preprints on citations and altmetrics

Nicholas Fraser, Fakhri Momeni, Philipp Mayr, et al.

Selected by 18 July 2019

Jonny Coates, Maiko Kitaoka

Scientific Communication and Education

NEUROD2 represses Reelin expression and controls dendrite orientation during cortical radial migration

Gizem Guzelsoy, Cansu Akkaya, Dila Atak, et al.

Selected by 08 July 2019

Theresa Pohlkamp


Co-reviewing and ghostwriting by early career researchers in the peer review of manuscripts

Gary S. McDowell, John Knutsen, June Graham, et al.

Selected by 12 May 2019

Dey Lab, Tessa Sinnige

Scientific Communication and Education

The life of P.I. Transitions to Independence in Academia

Sophie E. Acton, Andrew Bell, Christopher P. Toseland, et al.

Selected by 03 April 2019

Tessa Sinnige

Scientific Communication and Education

Tracking the popularity and outcomes of all bioRxiv preprints

Richard J. Abdill, Ran Blekhman

Selected by 30 January 2019

Dey Lab et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

PlotsOfData - a web app for visualizing data together with its summaries

Marten Postma, Joachim Goedhart

Selected by 29 October 2018

Guillaume Jacquemet
