
Search results

Your search returned 70 results.

Hnf4a-mediated regulation of proximal tubule progenitors in the mouse kidney

Sierra S. Marable, Eunah Chung, Joo-Seop Park

Selected by 10 March 2020

Brooke Chambers

Developmental Biology

Origin and microenvironment contribute to the sexually dimorphic phenotype and function of peritoneal macrophages

Calum C. Bain, Douglas A. Gibson, Nicholas Steers, et al.

Selected by 03 December 2019

Connor Rosen


The enteric nervous system of the human and mouse colon at a single-cell resolution

Eugene Drokhlyansky, Christopher S. Smillie, Nicholas Van Wittenberghe, et al.

Selected by 07 October 2019

Jessica Xie


Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis Reveals Human Stem Cell-Derived Graft Composition in a Cell Therapy Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Katarína Tiklová, Sara Nolbrant, Alessandro Fiorenzano, et al.

Selected by 27 September 2019

Jessica Xie


single-cell RNA-sequencing reveals profibrotic roles of distinct epithelial and mesenchymal lineages in pulmonary fibrosis

Arun C. Habermann, Austin J. Gutierrez, Linh T. Bui, et al.


Single Cell RNA-seq reveals ectopic and aberrant lung resident cell populations in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Taylor S. Adams, Jonas C. Schupp, Sergio Poli, et al.

Selected by 20 September 2019

Rob Hynds

Cell Biology

A single-cell transcriptomics CRISPR-activation screen identifies new epigenetic regulators of zygotic genome activation

Celia Alda-Catalinas, Danila Bredikhin, Irene Hernando-Herraez, et al.

Selected by 11 September 2019

Sergio Menchero

Developmental Biology

Co-Stimulation–Induced AP-1 Activity is Required for Chromatin Opening During T Cell Activation

Masashi Yukawa, Sajjeev Jagannathan, Andrey V. Kartashov, et al.

Selected by 02 August 2019

Jonny Coates


Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells

Jiyoon Lee, Cyrus Rabbani, Hongyu Gao, et al.

Selected by 31 July 2019

Debbie Ho

Developmental Biology

Identification of a master regulator of differentiation in Toxoplasma

Benjamin S. Waldman, Dominic Schwarz, Marc H. Wadsworth II, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2019

Juan Quintana

Developmental Biology

High-throughput mapping of mesoscale connectomes in individual mice

Longwen Huang, Justus M Kebschull, Daniel Furth, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2019

Dena Goldblatt


Benchmarking single-cell RNA sequencing Protocols for Cell Atlas Projects

Elisabetta Mereu, Atefeh Lafzi, Catia Moutinho, et al.


Systematic comparative analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing methods

Jiarui Ding, Xian Adiconis, Sean K. Simmons, et al.

Selected by 01 June 2019

Rob Hynds


A unicellular relative of animals generates an epithelium-like cell layer by actomyosin-dependent cellularization

Omaya Dudin, Andrej Ondracka, Xavier Grau-Bové, et al.

Selected by 05 April 2019

Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

Evolutionary Biology