
Search results

Your search returned 109 results.

Behavioral signatures of a developing neural code

Lilach Avitan, Zac Pujic, Jan Mölter, et al.

Selected by 12 January 2020

Amrutha Swaminathan

Animal Behavior and Cognition

GIV•Kindlin interaction is required for Kindlin-Mediated Integrin Recognition and Activation

Cristina Rohena, Nicholas Kalogriopoulos, Navin Rajapakse, et al.

Selected by 03 January 2020


Cell Biology

EXO70A2 is critical for the exocyst complex function in Arabidopsis pollen

Vedrana Marković, Fatima Cvrčková, Martin Potocký, et al.

Selected by 27 November 2019

Chandra Shekhar Misra

Developmental Biology

The Wnt pathway scaffold protein Axin promotes signaling specificity by suppressing competing kinase reactions

Maire Gavagan, Elizabeth Speltz, Jesse Zalatan

Selected by 17 September 2019

Yasmin Lau


Cross-species transcriptomic and epigenomic analysis reveals key regulators of injury response and neuronal regeneration in vertebrate retinas

Thanh Hoang, Jie Wang, Patrick Boyd, et al.

Selected by 15 September 2019

Sejal Davla


A conserved ATG2-GABARAP interaction is critical for phagophore closure

Mihaela Bozic, Luuk van den Bekerom, Beth A. Milne, et al.

Selected by 12 September 2019

Mila Basic

Cell Biology

ORP5 Transfers Phosphatidylserine To Mitochondria And Regulates Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake At Endoplasmic Reticulum - Mitochondria Contact Sites

Leila Rochin, Cecile Sauvanet, Eeva Jaaskelainen, et al.

Selected by 12 August 2019

Berrak Ugur

Cell Biology

Estimates of genetic load in small populations suggest extensive purging of deleterious alleles

Tom van der Valk, Marc de Manuel, Tomas Marques-Bonet, et al.

Selected by 05 August 2019

Neetha Iyer


Intestinal delta-6-desaturase activity determines host range for Toxoplasma sexual reproduction

Bruno Martorelli Di Genova, Sarah K. Wilson, J.P. Dubey, et al.

Selected by 12 July 2019

Theo Sanderson

Cell Biology

Stress Resets Transgenerational Small RNA Inheritance

Leah Houri-Ze’evi, Guy Teichman, Hila Gingold, et al.

Selected by 11 July 2019

Miguel V. Almeida


Dynamics of Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation and Pachytene Activation in Mice Spermatogenesis

Ábel Vértesy, Javier Frias-Aldeguer, Zeliha Sahin, et al.

Selected by 27 June 2019

Sergio Menchero


Modulation of neuronal resilience during aging by Hsp70/Hsp90/STI1 chaperone system

Rachel Lackie, Abdul Razzaq, Sali M.K. Farhan, et al.

Selected by 12 June 2019

Giuliana Clemente