SARS-CoV-2 Variants are Selecting for Spike Protein Mutations that Increase Protein Stability
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04 August 2021
Soni Mohapatra
The collapse of the spindle following ablation in S. pombe is mediated by microtubules and the motor protein dynein
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24 June 2021
Leeba Ann Chacko
NeuroMechFly, a neuromechanical model of adult Drosophila melanogaster
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23 June 2021
Dinesh Natesan
Killing of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria by a bifunctional cell wall-targeting T6SS effector
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21 April 2021
Brazil Nut Effect Drives Pattern Formation in Early Mammalian Embryos
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05 April 2021
Sophia Friesen
Collagen polarization provides a structural memory for the elongation of epithelial anlage
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19 March 2021
Ilaria Di Meglio
Ciliary control of meiotic chromosomal pairing mechanics and germ cell morphogenesis
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15 February 2021
Robert Mahen
Force requirements of endocytic vesicle formation
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18 December 2020
Mariana De Niz
Nuclear stiffness decreases with disruption of the extracellular matrix in living tissues
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02 December 2020
Mariana De Niz
Improved Wound Closure Rates and Mechanical Properties Resembling Native Skin in Murine Diabetic Wounds Treated with a Tropoelastin and Collagen Wound Healing Device
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20 October 2020
Snehal Kadam
Integer topological defects organize stresses driving tissue morphogenesis
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27 August 2020
Yamini Ravichandran, Giulia Paci
Large-scale curvature sensing by epithelial monolayers depends on active cell mechanics and nuclear mechanoadaptation
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10 August 2020
Grace Lim, Ilaria Di Meglio