
Filtered by cell biology category

PDX Finder: A Portal for Patient-Derived tumor Xenograft Model Discovery

Nathalie Conte, Jeremy Mason, Csaba Halmagyi, et al.

Selected by 20 April 2018

Carmen Adriaens

Cancer Biology

Two contractile pools of actomyosin distinctly load and tune E-cadherin levels during morphogenesis

Girish R. Kale, Xingbo Yang, Jean-Marc Philippe, et al.

Selected by 18 April 2018

Arnaud Monnard


HIF1-alpha expressing cells induce a hypoxic-like response in neighbouring cancer cells

Hannah Harrison, Henry J Pegg, Jamie Thompson, et al.

Selected by 12 April 2018

Anh Hoang Le


Higher-Order Organization Principles of Pre-translational mRNPs

Mihir Metkar, Hakan Ozadam, Bryan R. Lajoie, et al.

Selected by 02 April 2018

Carmen Adriaens


Capturing the onset of PRC2-mediated repressive domain formation

Ozgur Oksuz, Varun Narendra, Chul-Hwan Lee, et al.

Selected by 31 March 2018

Boyan Bonev


RNA-directed activation of cytoplasmic dynein-1 in reconstituted transport RNPs

Mark A McClintock, Carly I Dix, Christopher M Johnson, et al.


Recruitment of Two Dyneins to an mRNA-Dependent Bicaudal D Transport Complex

Thomas E. Sladewski, Neil Billington, M. Yusuf Ali, et al.

Selected by 27 March 2018

Dmitry Nashchekin

Cell Biology