
Filtered by genomics category

Single-cell Map of Diverse Immune Phenotypes Driven by the Tumor Microenvironment

Elham Azizi, Ambrose J. Carr, George Plitas, et al.

Selected by 17 May 2018

Tim Fessenden


Cell type-specific interchromosomal interactions as a mechanism for transcriptional diversity

Adan Horta, Kevin Monahan, Lisa Bashkirova, et al.

Selected by 01 May 2018

Boyan Bonev


PDX Finder: A Portal for Patient-Derived tumor Xenograft Model Discovery

Nathalie Conte, Jeremy Mason, Csaba Halmagyi, et al.

Selected by 20 April 2018

Carmen Adriaens

Cancer Biology

An atlas of silencer elements for the human and mouse genomes

Naresh Doni Jayavelu, Ajay Jajodia, Arpit Mishra, et al.

Selected by 04 April 2018

Rafael Galupa


Capturing the onset of PRC2-mediated repressive domain formation

Ozgur Oksuz, Varun Narendra, Chul-Hwan Lee, et al.

Selected by 31 March 2018

Boyan Bonev


Heterochromatin drives organization of conventional and inverted nuclei

Martin Falk, Yana Feodorova, Natasha Naumova, et al.

Selected by 19 February 2018

Boyan Bonev
