
Filtered by plant biology category

Peculiar features of the plastids of the colourless alga Euglena longa and photosynthetic euglenophytes unveiled by transcriptome analyses

Kristina Zahonova, Zoltan Fussy, Erik Bircak, et al.

Selected by 11 July 2018

Ellis O'Neill

Cell Biology

Widespread inter-individual gene expression variability in Arabidopsis thaliana

Sandra Cortijo, Zeynep Aydin, Sebastian Ahnert, et al.

Selected by 15 June 2018

Martin Balcerowicz

Plant Biology

Photoperiod sensing of the circadian clock is controlled by ELF3 and GI

Usman Anwer, Amanda Davis, Seth Jon Davis, et al.

Selected by 01 June 2018

Annika Weimer

Plant Biology

PIN7 auxin carrier is a terminator of radial root expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana

Michel Ruiz Rosquete, Jurgen Kleine-Vehn


PILS6 is a temperature-sensitive regulator of nuclear auxin input and organ growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

Elena Feraru, Mugurel I. I Feraru, Elke Barbez, et al.

Selected by 23 March 2018

Erin Sparks

Developmental Biology

The expa1-1 mutant reveals a new biophysical lateral root organogenesis checkpoint

Priya Ramakrishna, Graham A. Rance, Lam D. Vu, et al.

Selected by 20 February 2018

Annika Weimer

Plant Biology