Meet the preLighters: an interview with Gautam Dey
Gautam Dey is a postdoctoral researcher working at the MRC LMCB, UCL, London, in the lab of Buzz Baum. Here, he is studying the evolution of cell cycle control using fission yeast and archaea. He has been a team member since the start of preLights and has written sixteen preLight…
Posted on | 25 September 2019 |
Meet the preLighters: an interview with Connor Rosen
Connor Rosen is a 5th-year PhD student in Immunology in the labs of Profs. Noah Palm and Aaron Ring at Yale University. In his research he wants to find out how the microbiota interacts with the host. We chatted to Connor about his graduate work, why he got interested in…
Posted on | 15 August 2019 |
Meet the preLighters: an interview with Teresa Rayon
Teresa Rayon is a postdoctoral researcher in James Briscoe’s lab at the Francis Crick Institute. Here, she studies how time is measured during development. We met Teresa at her institute to talk about her passion for science, her outreach activities which involve running a science podcast and preLights. …
Posted on | 15 July 2019 |
Meet the preLighters: an interview with Tessa Sinnige
Tessa Sinnige is a postdoctoral fellow and she recently moved to Northwestern University, USA from the University of Cambridge. In her research she studies the mechanisms of protein aggregation using C. elegans as a model. We caught up with Tessa to discuss about her science, postdoc life, preprints and her…
Posted on | 23 May 2019 |
Meet the preLighters: an interview with Martin Balcerowicz
Martin Balcerowicz is an EMBO postdoctoral fellow at the Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, in the lab of Phil Wigge. He studies temperature sensing in plants and the interplay between light and temperature signaling. We caught up with Martin to discuss his research, preprints and preLights. How did you…
Posted on | 20 March 2019 |
Meet the preLighters: an interview with Samantha Seah
Samantha Seah is a PhD student at EMBL, Heidelberg in the lab of Christoph Merten. She trained as a geneticist, and now develops microfluidic technology for antibody screening. We caught up with Samantha to talk about different aspects of science, preprints and preLights. Could you tell us about the…
Posted on | 26 October 2018 |