Meet the preLighters: an interview with James Gagnon
James Gagnon is an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, where he started his lab at the beginning of the year. As a postdoc at Harvard, he developed methods for lineage tracing in zebrafish embryos, using CRISPR-Cas9 barcode editing. We caught up with Jamie to talk about his research,…
Posted on | 8 May 2018 |
Meet the preLighters: an interview with Natalie Dye
Natalie Dye is a postdoctoral scientist in Suzanne Eaton’s lab at the MPI-CBG, studying growth control and tissue patterning in Drosophila. We caught up with Natalie in Dresden to talk about her career and research, her opinion on preprints, and her first impressions of being an active member of the…
Posted on | 23 April 2018 |
Introducing preLights: a Development editorial
preLights was conceived and developed with input from representatives of The Company of Biologists' five journals, including Development (which publishes advances in developmental biology and stem cells). In Development's latest issue, Executive Editor Katherine Brown and Editor-in-Chief Olivier Pourquié tell the story behind preLights and share some thoughts on its future.…
Posted on | 23 February 2018 |
preLights is now live
We were delighted to publicly launch preLights on the afternoon of February 20th. preLights is the new preprint highlights service run by the community and supported by The Company of Biologists. Our dedicated team of over 80 selectors will keep posting new highlights regularly. By registering on the site, you…
Posted on | 21 February 2018 |
preLights preparations in full swing
We are very excited about this new project and preparations are in full swing. You will find some further data and details about the project below: 80 Over 80 people have joined our team of "preLighters". They will be selecting preprints they feel are of specific interest to the…
Posted on | 9 February 2018 |