
The most read preLights in 2018

31 December 2018

A big thanks to all of you following preLights this year! We were excited to launch in February, are thrilled that the service is building momentum, and are looking forward to introducing new features and preLighters in 2019! Looking back at 260 posts, these were our most viewed:


#1 is a preLight from Gautam Dey, who wrote about a new tool for data analysis using estimation plots, which moves statistical analysis ‘beyond p-values’. Gautam also made a great interview with preprint authors Joses Ho and Adam Claridge-Chang.


#2 is Ralph Böttcher’s post, which featured a new technique, TurboID, that enables efficient proximity labeling of cells and organisms.



#3 comes from Uri Manor with a preLight on the work from Eugene Myers, Florian Jug, Loic Royer and colleagues, who developed CARE for image restoration


#4 is Andreas van Impel’s highlight on a preprint showing that nonsense-mediated decay of mRNAs can trigger genetic compensation in KO-s. The authors Mohamed El-Brolosy and Didier Stainier also provided insightful replies to Andreas’s questions.



Finally, for #5 we have a tie, since Erik Clark‘s  post on the evolution of insect wings, and the preLight by Rob Hynds on studying ageing in the lung at single-cell resolution received nearly equal amount of views.



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