
Search results

Your search returned 709 results.

Social behaviour and vocalizations of the tent-roosting Honduran White Bat

Ahana Aurora Fernandez, Christian Schmidt, Stefanie Schmidt, et al.

Selected by 06 September 2021

Baheerathan Murugavel

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity determines estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer dormancy and reacquisition of an epithelial state drives awakening

Patrick Aouad, Yueyun Zhang, Céline Stibolt, et al.

Selected by 06 September 2021

Sagar Varankar

Cancer Biology

A deep mutational scanning platform to characterize the fitness landscape of anti-CRISPR proteins

Tobias Stadelmann, Daniel Heid, Michael Jendrusch, et al.

Selected by 03 September 2021

Soni Mohapatra


Extracellular mechanical forces drive endocardial cell volume decrease during cardiac valve morphogenesis

Hélène Vignes, Christina Vagena-Pantoula, Mangal Prakash, et al.

Selected by 25 August 2021

Julia Grzymkowski

Developmental Biology

Ageing-associated myelin dysfunction drives amyloid deposition in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

Constanze Depp, Ting Sun, Andrew Octavian Sasmita, et al.

Selected by 19 August 2021

Kristina Kuhbandner


Interspecies interactions in bacterial colonies are determined by physiological traits and the environment

Sean C. Booth, Scott A. Rice

Selected by 19 August 2021

SCELSE Summer School


Lightning Fast and Highly Sensitive Full-Length Single-cell sequencing using FLASH-Seq

Vincent Hahaut, Dinko Pavlinic, Cameron Cowan, et al.

Selected by 12 August 2021

Jennifer Ann Black


Two redundant ubiquitin-dependent pathways of BRCA1 localization to DNA damage sites

Alana Sherker, Natasha Chaudhary, Salomé Adam, et al.

Selected by 10 August 2021

Giuseppina D'Alessandro

Cell Biology

A supergene in seaweed flies modulates male traits and female perception

Swantje Enge, Claire Mérot, Raimondas Mozūraitis, et al.

Selected by 06 August 2021

Riddhi Deshmukh

Evolutionary Biology

Semaphorin3f as an intrinsic regulator of chamber-specific heart development

R Halabi, P.B. Cechmanek, C.L. Hehr, et al.

Selected by 30 July 2021

Yen Tran

Developmental Biology

Woman Authorship in Pre-print Versus Peer-Reviewed Oral Health-Related Publications: A Two-Year Observational Study

Lavanya Rajendran, Namita Khandelwal, Jocelyne Feine, et al.

Selected by 29 July 2021

Helen Robertson

Scientific Communication and Education

Functional characterization of RELN missense mutations involved in recessive and dominant forms of Neuronal Migration Disorders

Martina Riva, Sofia Ferreira, Vera P. Medvedeva, et al.

Selected by 27 July 2021

Ana Uzquiano
