
Josie Gibson

The University of Sheffield

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Sheffield. I completed my PhD, at both The University of Sheffield and A*Star labs in Singapore, where I examined the role of host cell autophagy in the control of intracellular pathogens using cellular level imaging. I am interested in understanding host-pathogen interactions, specifically how pathogens evade host immune defences to cause infection, and how the dynamics of infection change over time. I am also interested in microscopy, autophagy, immune cells and antimicrobial resistance.

Josie Gibson has added 10 preLight posts

An arginase 2 promoter transgenic illuminates anti-inflammatory signalling in zebrafish

Ffion R. Hammond, Amy Lewis, Holly E. Anderson, et al.

Selected by 10 April 2022

Josie Gibson

Dram1 confers resistance to Salmonella infection

Samrah Masud, Rui Zhang, Tomasz K. Prajsnar, et al.

Selected by 12 April 2021

Josie Gibson


Gut microbiome features are associated with sepsis onset and outcomes

Krishna Rao, Alieysa R. Patel, Anna M. Seekatz, et al.

Selected by 15 January 2021

Josie Gibson


Intestinal infection results in impaired lung innate immunity to secondary respiratory infection

Shubhanshi Trivedi, Allie H. Grossmann, Owen Jensen, et al.

Selected by 30 September 2020

Josie Gibson


Amoeba predation of Cryptococcus neoformans results in pleiotropic changes to traits associated with virulence

Man Shun Fu, Livia C. Liporagi-Lopes, Samuel R. dos Santos Júnior, et al.

Selected by 02 September 2020

Josie Gibson


Galectin-8 senses phagosomal damage and recruits selective autophagy adapter TAX1BP1 to control Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in macrophages

Samantha L. Bell, Kayla L. Lopez, Jeffery S. Cox, et al.

Selected by 25 July 2020

Josie Gibson, Zhang-He Goh


Transcription repressor protein ZBTB25 interacts with HDAC1 in macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its inhibition leads to autophagy and killing of the intracellular pathogen

Aravind Madhavan, K B Arun, Akhil Raj Pushparajan, et al.


Tamoxifen reduces inflammatory infiltration of neutrophils in the airways

Agustín Mansilla, Jaime Soto, Claudio Henríquez, et al.

Selected by 25 July 2020

Zhang-He Goh, Josie Gibson

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Trophic cooperation promotes bacterial survival of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Laura Camus, Paul Briaud, Sylvère Bastien, et al.

Selected by 26 June 2020

Josie Gibson


Phage infection mediates inhibition of bystander bacteria

Anushila Chatterjee, Julia L. E. Willett, Gary M. Dunny, et al.

Selected by 31 May 2020

Josie Gibson


Dissecting individual pathogen-commensal interactions within a complex gut microbiota community

Jack Hassall, Meera Unnikrishnan

Selected by 05 May 2020

Josie Gibson


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