
Osvaldo Contreras

Stem Cell and Developmental Biology Division, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

I’m a Postdoctoral Scientist working on cell-based strategies for improving our understanding of skeletal muscle regeneration and heart repair under the supervision of Dr Richard Harvey at The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney, Australia.

I started my scientific journey as an undergraduate researcher in Dr Juan Larrain’s Lab studying the developmental role of the Wnt/PCP pathway in neural tube closure. Then, I completed my PhD studying tissue-resident fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) biology, plasticity, and their role in muscle and heart regeneration/repair in Dr Enrique Brandan’s Lab with the co-supervision of Dr Fabio Rossi at the University of British Columbia in 2019. I’ve been focused on comprehending muscular dystrophies and fibrosis. Last but not least, I’m also interested in myogenic fate determination and differentiation. 

Osvaldo Contreras has added 5 preLight posts

Multiscale light-sheet organoid imaging framework

Gustavo de Medeiros, Raphael Ortiz, Petr Strnad, et al.

Selected by 29 August 2021

Osvaldo Contreras


Coronary blood vessels from distinct origins converge to equivalent states during mouse and human development

Ragini Phansalkar, Josephine Krieger, Mingming Zhao, et al.

Selected by 04 June 2021

Yen Tran, Osvaldo Contreras

Developmental Biology

Bromodomain Inhibition Blocks Inflammation-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction and SARS-CoV2 Infection in Pre-Clinical Models

Richard J Mills, Sean J Humphrey, Patrick RJ Fortuna, et al.

Selected by 27 November 2020

Alexander Ward, Osvaldo Contreras


Human skeletal muscle CD90+ fibro-adipogenic progenitors are associated with muscle degeneration in type 2 diabetic patients

Jean Farup, Jesper Just, Frank de Paoli, et al.

Selected by 10 September 2020

Osvaldo Contreras, Nicolas Collao


A Transcriptional Switch Governing Fibroblast Plasticity Underlies Reversibility of Chronic Heart Disease

Michael Alexanian, Pawel F. Przytycki, Rudi Micheletti, et al.

Selected by 11 August 2020

Osvaldo Contreras, Alexander Ward

Cell Biology

Osvaldo Contreras has collaborated with:

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