
Search results

Your search returned 68 results.

A multi-layered and dynamic apical extracellular matrix shapes the vulva lumen in Caenorhabditis elegans

Jennifer D. Cohen, Alessandro P. Sparacio, Alexandra C. Belfi, et al.

Selected by 06 May 2020

Matus Lab

Developmental Biology

G-Protein signaling accelerates stem cell divisions in Drosophila males

Manashree Malpe, Leon F. McSwain, Karl Kudyba, et al.

Selected by 23 April 2020

Nadia Edelsztein

Cell Biology

Robustness of epithelial sealing is an emerging property of local ERK networks driven by cell elimination

Léo Valon, Florence Levillayer, Andela Davidović, et al.

Selected by 19 April 2020

Sophia Friesen

Developmental Biology

GIV•Kindlin interaction is required for Kindlin-Mediated Integrin Recognition and Activation

Cristina Rohena, Nicholas Kalogriopoulos, Navin Rajapakse, et al.

Selected by 03 January 2020


Cell Biology

Synaptogenic activity of the axon guidance molecule Robo2 is critical for hippocampal circuit function

Heike Blockus, Sebastian V. Rolotti, Miklos Szoboszlay, et al.

Selected by 02 January 2020

Ana Dorrego-Rivas


Direct ETTIN-auxin interaction controls chromatin state in gynoecium development

André Kuhn, Sigurd Ramans Harborough, Heather M. McLaughlin, et al.

Selected by 18 December 2019

Martin Balcerowicz

Plant Biology

The Wnt pathway scaffold protein Axin promotes signaling specificity by suppressing competing kinase reactions

Maire Gavagan, Elizabeth Speltz, Jesse Zalatan

Selected by 17 September 2019

Yasmin Lau


Arl13b regulates Sonic Hedgehog signaling from outside primary cilia

Eduardo D. Gigante, Megan R. Taylor, Anna A. Ivanova, et al.

Selected by 15 August 2019

Alex Eve

Developmental Biology

NEUROD2 represses Reelin expression and controls dendrite orientation during cortical radial migration

Gizem Guzelsoy, Cansu Akkaya, Dila Atak, et al.

Selected by 08 July 2019

Theresa Pohlkamp


Cytoskeletal tension actively sustains the migratory T cell synaptic contact

Sudha Kumari, Michael Mak, Yehchuin Poh, et al.

Selected by 11 June 2019

Tim Fessenden


Plant photoreceptors and their signaling components compete for binding to the ubiquitin ligase COP1 using their VP-peptide motifs

Kelvin Lau, Roman Podolec, Richard Chappuis, et al.

Selected by 25 March 2019

Martin Balcerowicz

Plant Biology

Minimal membrane interactions conferred by Rheb C-terminal farnesylation are essential for mTORC1 activation

Shawn M Ferguson, Brittany Angarola

Selected by 05 February 2019

Sandra Malmgren Hill

Cell Biology